ABOUT Coach cory
My name Coach Cory and I started this company because I made health a hobby! Since I was a kid, I battled with my weight and getting healthy. I wanted to learn as much as I could about how to feel good and live longer. I wanted to make my time at the gym a pleasure and not a chore. I wanted to never be on another crash diet again. I wanted to eat and enjoy without calculating everything that went into my mouth. I wanted to live a healthy long life and enjoy it. So out of this, GRAND Omen Wellness was born. I can help you take the guess work out of being healthy and eliminate the barriers in between you and the long life you want.
How I Can Help You
15 min
1 hr 30 min
70 US dollarsDuring this sessions we we will discuss "green", "yellow" and "red" light foods.
45 min
50 US dollars1 hr